Utkarsh / Berk -<br><br>I have checked vktQuadricClustering.h/.cxx into VTK CVS. There are two major additions:<br><br>1. You can set bin size in any dimension to 1 or more (before it was enforced to 2 or more). This allows nice decimation of "thin" objects like xy surfaces.
<br>2. By default, now the algorithm prevents the insertion of duplicate triangles.<br><br>Note however, that if you really want to do the job right, you have to combine these two features appropriately. For example, if you have a wiggly 2D surface (oriented mainly in the xy plane), it's best to set the number of bins in z to 1, and also make sure that PreventDuplicateCells is also enabled. I am adding a vtkQuadricLODActor that encapsulates this logic, plus display list logic, into a convenient class. It's very handy to use and gives far superior results than vtkLODActor. With these two changes, you can prevent the pathological situations where QC generates an inordinate number of triangles (due to cross-bin surface wiggles creating crazily connected surfaces).
<br><br>W<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>William J. Schroeder, PhD<br>Kitware, Inc.<br>28 Corporate Drive<br>Clifton Park, NY 12065<br><a href="mailto:will.schroeder@kitware.com">will.schroeder@kitware.com</a><br><a href="http://www.kitware.com">
http://www.kitware.com</a><br>518-371-3971 (phone and fax)