[vtkusers] slow down in MFC?

Chen Fu novalet at yahoo.com.cn
Wed Apr 9 10:01:21 EDT 2003

I try to embed tcl into my MFC code for it will be
easier to dynamic generate pipeline. I did it by
Tcl_EvalFile the tcl script, use
vtkTclGetPointerFromObject to get the vtkRenderer to
c++ pointer, and then link this pointer with
vtkWin32OpenGLRenderWindow. It runs smoothly, but
compare with the original tcl script it is much
The test use capcow.tcl, the windows size is almost
the same, i count turns of cows in half minute by
pressing the mouse on the right-bottom corner of
windows to make the camera rotate as quick as
possible. The result of test is MFC will only half
against raw TCL script. 
I may try other solution someday. But before other
tests, i wanna know if there any speed analysis by
writing the same pipeline in cpp and tcl respectively.

Can you lend me a hand?
Thank you!

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