I found the problem last night, and bypassed it. Vtk 2.4, for the most part, seems to work fine on RedHat 6.1. I changed my configure from - ./configure --with-mesa --with-tcl --with-shared --with-contrib \ --with-tkwidget --with-patented to - ./configure --with-mesa --with-tcl --with-shared --with-contrib and both Tcl/vtk script and cxx programs compile and work. I had added --with-tkwidget and --with-patented because one of our Tcl/vtk users had complained I hadn't compiled them in to the tcl interface on the vtk I'd built on RedHat 5.2. I'm not going to be able to satisfy that user on RedHat 6.1, but everybody else should be happy :-) ...................................................................... >From smitty Wed Jan 5 07:05:28 2000 Subject: Vtk 2.4 on RedHat 6.1 coredump To: vtkusers@gsao.med.ge.com (list vtk) Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 07:05:28 -0600 (EST) I used a process to install vtk 2.4 on RedHat 6.1 almost identical to the one I've used on RedHat 5.2, and when I run "vtk Cone.tcl" to test, it coredumps with a Segmentation Fault. The biggest difference I can see, besides RedHat 6.1 of course, is Mesa. I used the beta release on RedHat 5.2 - rpm -i Mesa-3.1beta1-3.i386.rpm rpm -i Mesa-devel-3.1beta1-3.i386.rpm but I couldn't find them on the Internet, so used these instead: rpm -i /contrib/mesa/Mesa-3.1-1.i386.rpm rpm -i /contrib/mesa/Mesa-devel-3.1-1.i386.rpm Another difference is, the install on RedHat 5.2 was on a COMPAQ Proliant 1850R, with 320M memory, 4M vram, whereas the install of RedHat 6.1 is on an IBM Aptiva 550, with 96M of memory, 4M vram, and a Savage 4(?) video card. I can re-compile vtk with the -g flag if I have to, but first I thought I'd query vtkusers to see if anyone had a quick solution. ........................................................................ Install log for vtk 2.4 on RedHat 6.1: First, installed Mesa. ftp://sunsite.org.uk/Mirrors/contrib.redhat.com/libc6/i386/ and downloaded these two files and installed them: rpm -i /contrib/mesa/Mesa-3.1-1.i386.rpm rpm -i /contrib/mesa/Mesa-devel-3.1-1.i386.rpm Second, installed tcltk source by mounting RedHat 6.1 Disc #2 and doing - rpm -i /mnt/cdrom/SRPMS/tcltk-8.0.5-30.src.rpm rpm -i /mnt/cdrom/SRPMS/python-1.5.2-7.src.rpm rpm -i /mnt/cdrom/SRPMS/pythonlib-1.23-1.src.rpm cd /usr/src/redhat/SOURCES tar xzf tcl8.0.5.tar.gz tar xzf tk8.0.5.tar.gz Third, downloaded tarball for vtk 2.4 from - http://www.kitware.com/vtkhtml/vtkdata/HowToGetSoftware.html and installed vtk 2.4. Instructions are in /contrib/vtk/vtk2.4/VTK-Linux-HOWTO mkdir /contrib/vtk cd /contrib/vtk tar xzvf vtk24unix.tar.gz cd vtk2.4 ./configure --with-mesa --with-tcl --with-shared --with-contrib \ --with-tkwidget --with-patented backupfile user.make #user.make.d990803.t112112.root vi user.make # Made these changes: TCL_INCLUDE=-I/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/tcl8.0.5/generic TCL_LIB=/usr/lib/libtcl8.0.so TK_INCLUDE=-I/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/tk8.0.5/generic TK_LIB=/usr/lib/libtk8.0.so MESA_INCLUDE=-I/usr/include/GL MESA_LIB=/usr/lib/libGL.so make cd /usr/lib ln -s /contrib/vtk/vtk2.4/*/*.so . /sbin/ldconfig -n /usr/lib cd /usr/local/bin ln -s /contrib/vtk/vtk2.4/tcl/vtk . Mounted cdrom from book "The Visualization Toolkit" and did - cd /contrib/vtk/vtk2.4 (cd /mnt/cdrom; tar cf - vtkdata) | tar xf - ln -s /contrib/vtk/vtk2.4/vtkdata /contrib/vtk/vtkdata ln -s /contrib/vtk/vtk2.4 /opt/vtk To test, I copied Cone.tcl to my home directory, and modified it, as follows: puts "Cone.tcl entered" catch {load vtktcl} # user interface command widget source /opt/vtk/examplesTcl/vtkInt.tcl # create a rendering window and renderer puts "vtkRenderer ren1" vtkRenderer ren1 puts "vtkRenderWindow renWin" vtkRenderWindow renWin puts "renWin AddRenderer ren1" renWin AddRenderer ren1 puts "renWin StereoCapableWindowOn" renWin StereoCapableWindowOn puts "vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren" vtkRenderWindowInteractor iren iren SetRenderWindow renWin puts "creating actor now" # create an actor and give it cone geometry vtkConeSource cone cone SetResolution 8 vtkPolyDataMapper coneMapper coneMapper SetInput [cone GetOutput] vtkActor coneActor coneActor SetMapper coneMapper # assign our actor to the renderer ren1 AddActor coneActor # enable user interface interactor iren SetUserMethod {wm deiconify .vtkInteract} iren Initialize puts "doing wm withdraw" # prevent the tk window from showing up then start the event loop wm withdraw . I get segmentation fault when I try to run Cone.tcl: [smitty@bluff vtkstuff]$ vtk Cone.tcl Cone.tcl entered After load vtktcl vtkRenderer ren1 vtkRenderWindow renWin Segmentation fault (core dumped) [smitty@bluff vtkstuff]$ gdb -c core GNU gdb 4.18 Copyright 1998 Free Software Foundation, Inc. GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions. Type "show copying" to see the conditions. There is absolutely no warranty for GDB. Type "show warranty" for details. This GDB was configured as "i386-redhat-linux". Core was generated by `vtk Cone.tcl'. Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault. #0 0x41080a71 in ?? () (gdb) backtrace #0 0x41080a71 in ?? () #1 0x40f5d35e in ?? () #2 0x4130e993 in ?? () #3 0x41329b08 in ?? () #4 0x4130f2c3 in ?? () #5 0x4133d11f in ?? () #6 0x41287aa9 in ?? () #7 0x8048d5f in ?? () #8 0x414fc1eb in ?? () (gdb) info all-registers eax 0x40f5c934 1089849652 ecx 0xfffff82f -2001 edx 0x0 0 ebx 0x809d8b8 134863032 esp 0xbffff4cc 0xbffff4cc ebp 0xbffff4cc 0xbffff4cc esi 0xbffff4e8 -1073744664 edi 0x0 0 eip 0x41080a71 0x41080a71 eflags 0x10282 66178 cs 0x23 35 ss 0x2b 43 ds 0x2b 43 es 0x2b 43 fs 0x2b 43 gs 0x2b 43 (gdb) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the private VTK discussion list. Please keep messages on-topic. Check the FAQ at: To UNSUBSCRIBE, send message body containing "unsubscribe vtkusers" to . For help, send message body containing "info vtkusers" to the same address. Live long and prosper. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------