Alvina D' Silva wrote:
<BR> I did'nt receive any answers, so I thought
I'd repost the questions
<P> Please Help me !!!!
<P>1. I was trying out the examples - "Medical*.cxx"
which use contour filters .
<BR> These filters as well as marching cubes ask the
value range ( 'SetValue' method). While values like
<BR>500(skin extraction) & 1150(bone extraction) work fine for the
sample images, they do not hold good for all.
<BR>Some of my MR images needed values of 30000 for bone extraction !
<P> Is there no limited value range which will hold good
for different sets of images? ( This is essential, since
<BR>users will be asked to input this value ). Or is there any other way
about this (without specifying values ) ?
<P>2. Given a set of Images(x-y), what classes do I use & how do I
use them to obtain the other coordinate axes( viz x-z & y-z )?
<P>3. Is there any way I can increase the speed of execution
(other than decimate) ? I'm on windows NT &
<BR>am using VC++.
<P>4. How do I close the openGL window without closing my main window ?
<P>5. Does vtkImageReader support raw files? (tried to read some bin files
but was unsuccessful)
<P>Would be grateful if someone could help ,
I'll take a shot at answering your questions.
<P> 1) In general, if the image data doesn't conform to any
standard, you need to pick a value
<BR> to segment your data. This
is frequently done using a histogram. If two materials are
<BR> represented by two peaks in the
histogram, you can choose the value at the low point
<BR> between the peaks as the contour
value. Much more sophisticated techniques can be
<BR> used. (If your data is supposed
to conform to some medical standard, I can't answer
<BR> your question.)
<P> 2) You can use vtkImageReslice.
<P> 3) Be sure to use vtkStripper since most hardware
processes "triangle strips" faster.
<BR> Also, using
vtkProperty with BackfaceCullingOn may help since triangles that
<BR> aren't visible
won't be processed by the rendering hardware.
<P> 4) I don't understand this question. I normally
only have one window.
<P> 5) Yes. e.g.
vtkImageReader reader
reader SetDataExtent 0 999 0 999 0 499
reader SetDataVOI 100 769 100 869 0 499
reader SetFilePrefix "0629001/0629001.rec"
reader SetFilePattern "%s%4.4d.img"
reader SetDataScalarType $VTK_SHORT
<P> If you
are looking at data with your NT machine which was orginally made on a
<BR> (probably
Unix) machine you'll need to also use
reader SetDataByteOrderToBigEndian
David E Jones
Du Pont Central Research
Experimental Station, Bldg 320
Wilmington, DE 19880-0320</PRE>