<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<p> I'm trying to pick a 2D actor using a vtkPropPicker, using the
"standard" code . Aldo the rendere used for picking has a BIG scalar
bar and a sphere, the picker returns always nothing.
<br> I tried also the tcl examples containing vtkPropPicker , and
also there, it seems like the picker doesn't work. <i></i>
<br> Is there anything left or something that must be initialised
? Is there any other solution ?
<br>Thank you in advance
<p>vtkPropPicker *picker = vtkPropPicker::New();
<p>for ( int i = 0 ; i < 300 ; i++ ) // trying everywhere in the
<br> for ( int j = 0 ; j < 300 ; j++ ) {
<p> picker->PickProp( i, j, map->GetRenderer() );
<p> if ( picker->GetPath() != NULL )
<br> Caption = "Path" ;
<p> if ( picker->GetProp3D() != NULL )
<br> Caption = "Prop" ;
<p> if ( picker->GetActor() != NULL )
<br> Caption = "Actor" ;
<p> if ( picker->GetActor2D() != NULL )
<br> Caption = "Actor2D" ;
<p> if ( picker->GetPropAssembly() != NULL )
<br> Caption = "Assembly" ;
<p> }
<br> </html>