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I have structured and unstructured grid data that I'm trying to visualize
cross-sections of using vtkCutter. If I am drawing the contour lines
on the cut surface, then I also want to draw the edge of the cut surface,
for this I'm using vtkFeatureEdges. My pipeline is vtkDataSet->vtkCutter->vtkFeatureEdges->vtkPolyDataMapper->...
for the edge of the cut surface. This works great if the vtkDataSet
is a structured grid, however if the vtkDataSet is an unstructured grid,
I get ~90% of all triangle edged of surface drawn. I don't understand
why since both are coming from the cutter. I tried turning off everything
but edges in the vtkFeatureEdges filter (i.e. non-manifold edges, manifold
edges, and feature edges) with no success. Am I doing something wrong?
<p>PS If needed I could probably whip up a tcl sample, but I'm not
working in tcl and I didn't want to do that work if it isn't necessary.
David D. Marshall
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
<A HREF="mailto:gte552m@prism.gatech.edu">mailto:gte552m@prism.gatech.edu</A></pre>