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Hallo there,
<br>I have a set of scalar data over unstructured Grid.
<br>My Unstructured Grid topology (i.e. Cells ) are edges : VTK_LINE.
<br>Hacking from some examples, I obtain some results.
<br>Ok, so far so good.
<p>However, I would like to view my data over triangle. Unfortunately,
I stumbled into a wall.
<br>Nothing happens, as if I view my data with the underlying cells are
<br>Is there anyone out there lend me a hand to rectify my logic ?
<p>Here is my filters sequence snippet :
<p>/------ snip----------/
<p>cruc_temp = vtkGeometryFilter::New();
<br> cruc_Temp->SetInput(extractGrid->GetOutput());
<p>cruc_tri = vtkTriangleFilter::New();
<br> cruc_tri->SetInput(cruc_temp->GetOutput());
<br> cruc_tri->PassLinesOn();
<p>p2c = vtkPointDataToCellData::New();
<br> p2c->SetInput(cruc_tri->GetOutput());
<br> p2c->GetPassPointData();
<br> p2c->PassPointDataOn();
<p>cruc_tempMapper = vtkDataSetMapper::New();
<br> cruc_tempMapper->SetInput(p2c->GetOutput())
<p>/---- snip-----------------/
<p>without PointDTCellD filter, and fed in the cruc_tri into Mapper, I
got my pretty picture over my grid lines.
<br>So I insert PointToCell filter.
<br>But I didn't get my values over the triangle. Are there anyone out
there able to pin point where am I doing wrong ?
Agah D. Garnadi</pre>