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It seems better, Thank you!!!
<br>is this an indication of the bug of VTK ?
<p>Sebastian Hirschberg wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>Hello Song
<p>I am using vtkStreamLine and I have encountered similar problems in
<br>cases when I calculated the streamlines with the second order Runge
<br>solver. Switching to the fourth order Runge Kutta solver eliminated
<br>problem in my case (Don't ask me why).
<p>> Hi,gurus,
<br>> I am trying to execute vtkStreamLine continuously,
the procedure is
<br>> like :
<br>> rendering streamline -- get new position of start point --
<br>> streamline
<br>> in an infinite loop unless give a signal to end the loop,
the problem
<br>> is , the program may stuck at the point of vtkStreamLine::Update()
<br>> after executed for some time, the period it can work is
<br>> unpredictable......Does anybody has experienced such problem before
<br>> Thanks a lot!!!!
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Song Li
VRAC(Virtual Reality Application Center),Iowa State University
Email: lisong@vrac.iastate.edu
Homepage: <A HREF="http://www.vrac.iastate.edu/~lisong">http://www.vrac.iastate.edu/~lisong</A></pre>