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<P>Alex, </P></DIV>
<P> vtkImplicitModeller and vtkContourFilter should do it. See the vtk Logo example for a simple case.</P>
<P>Dave </P>
<P>>From: Alexander Trum <A.TRUM@TERAPORT.DE></P>
<DIV></DIV>>To: "vtkusers@public.kitware.com" <VTKUSERS@PUBLIC.KITWARE.COM>
<DIV></DIV>>Subject: [vtkusers] How can i generate an offset polygonal model from an arbitrary polygonal model?
<DIV></DIV>>Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 10:47:40 +0100
<DIV></DIV>>I have an arbitrary polygonal model (e. g. the engine of a car).
<DIV></DIV>>I will generate a positive or negative offset to simulate tolerances of
<DIV></DIV>>real world models
<DIV></DIV>>(e. g. the engine of a car with a length of 500mm is not in real world
<DIV></DIV>>always 500mm, instead 500mm +- 2mm)
<DIV></DIV>>Is there a possibility in VTK to solve such a problem?
<DIV></DIV>> Alex
<DIV></DIV>><< a.trum.vcf >>
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