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I got the follwing problem running Cone (from vtk3.3/graphics/examplesCxx)
<p>Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display "".
<br>Xlib: extension "GLX" missing on display "".
<br>ERROR: In vtkMesaRenderWindow.cxx, line 162
<br>vtkMesaRenderWindow (0x804b140): Could not find a decent visual
<p>The application was executed from an X Terminal NCD HMXpro24
<p>The server in a PC under Linux
<p>The XF86Config-4 file contains Load glx
<p>Help will be appreciated
<p>Best regards
Alain Trubuil
Laboratoire de Biometrie Tel: +(33) 01 34 65 22 22
F-78352 Jouy en Josas cedex Fax: +(33) 01 34 65 22 17
France e-mail: at@jouy.inra.fr</pre>