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<DIV>I have a volume data set. I want to get the arbitrary slice of the volume.
That is: you can define your our plane function to cut or slice the volume, and
then get the slice image.</DIV>
<DIV>I know this is very easy if use vtkCutter or vtkProbe or vtkImageReslice.
But they are 'black box' to me. I cannot control every step of the operation. I
need to do this operation use C++ and OpenGL.</DIV>
<DIV>My idea is that: use a point and a normal to define the plane. Then convert
every points in the plane(use 2d coordinate,say image[i,j]) to 3d
coordinate(x,y,z). Then see if (x,y,z) is in the volume. If it is in, use linear
interplation to get the Value(x,y,z). </DIV>
<DIV>My idea seems straight forword, but I think it is also very slow. I wonder
if anyone can give me some advise on this operation, or how to convert (i,j)
from a plane to world coordiante (x,y,z).</DIV>
<DIV>Thank you very much!</DIV>
<DIV>Plato Gao</DIV></BODY></HTML>