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<P>Hello!! I have just started using vtk and it seems that I have run into some nasty errors. I have a problem with the memory, as I get a segmentation fault when i try to run my program. The program first reads a .vtk file and after some smoothing I am able to plot an image (bathymetry map). When I try to overlay the coastline i get the segmentation fault. The coastline is made of a number of vertices, stored in the cell array. Cant find the bug(s).</P>
<P>I am also wondering on how to write the cell, scalar and vertices data to one big .vtk file. I was only able to write the point data to file.</P>
<P>I am grateful for any help. The program is attached to the bottom of this email. Sincerely, Trond Kristiansen. </P><FONT size=1>
<P>from Numeric import *</P>
<P>from vtk import *</P>
<P>import string</P>
<P>delaunay = vtkDelaunay2D()</P>
<P>delaunayData =delaunay.GetOutput()</P>
<P>print 'Number Of Points ', delaunayData.GetNumberOfPoints()</P>
<P>print 'Number Of Polygons Created ', delaunayData.GetNumberOfPolys()</P>
<P>smooth = vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter()</P>
<P># Start overlay of high res coastline</P>
<P>coast = open('coastline.dat','r')</P>
<P>coastXY = coast.readline()</P>
<P>XY = string.split(coastXY)</P>
<P> </P>
<P>poly = vtkPolyData()</P>
<P>point = vtkPoints()</P>
<P>cell = vtkCellArray()</P>
<P>while coastXY:</P>
<P>if XY[0] =='nan': name='nan'</P>
<P>if (55000 < coastlineY < 61000) and (5000 < coastlineX < 11000):</P>
<P>coastXY = coast.readline()</P>
<P>XY = string.split(coastXY)</P>
<P> </P>
<P># !!!! BUG , unless not used!!</P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>
<P> </P>
<P></FONT><BR><BR> </P></DIV>
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