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<br> I have an application which conflict with pthread, so I build
VTK4.0 by choosing "using pthread libs" 0 and "using sproc libs" 1, but
my application still crashed, it had no problem when I use VTK3.2... any
suggestions ??? did I do something wrong when build VTK??
<br> The other strange thing is under vtk3.2's contrib directory,
I can not find a way to compile vtkSocketCommunicator, it seems that there
is no relevant option by viewing "configure --help", and defaultly this
class is left not compiled , anybody knows how....
<br> Thanks a lot!!!!
Song Li
VRAC(Virtual Reality Application Center),Iowa State University
Email: lisong@vrac.iastate.edu
Homepage: <A HREF="http://www.vrac.iastate.edu/~lisong">http://www.vrac.iastate.edu/~lisong</A></pre>