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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>Hi!<BR><BR>I'm
trying to compile VTK </FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman" size=3>with the
Kylix <SPAN class=606123819-27082002>3 </SPAN>bc++<SPAN
class=606123819-27082002> (<A href="http://www.borland.com/kylix"><FONT
color=#000000>http://www.borland.com/kylix</FONT></A>)</SPAN><BR>compiler, but I
can't get it to work. Has anyone tried this yet and is<BR>willing to share his
or her experience? (cmake settings would be very
much<BR>appreciated)<BR><BR>Also, cmake </FONT><FONT face="Times New Roman"
size=3> does<SPAN class=606123819-27082002> </SPAN>support Borland C++ Builder
in its Windows version. But these settings are<BR>not displayed unless you have
C++ Builder installed (which I have not).<BR>Maybe someone can look at these
settings and post them here. This might also<BR>give me some hints
...<BR><BR>Thanks a lot!<BR><BR>--<BR>Stefan