Hi Folks-<br><br>
This is an announcement for a VTK Course at the IEEE Visualization
Conference in Boston on October 27 at special conference rates. See
<a href="http://www.kitware.com/products/ieeevis2002vtkcourse.html" eudora="autourl">http://www.kitware.com/products/ieeevis2002vtkcourse.html</a>
for the announcement.<br><br>
Kitware is offering a special 1-day VTK course at the IEEE Visualization 2002 Conference (<a href="http://vis.computer.org/vis2002/" eudora="autourl">http://vis.computer.org/vis2002/</a>) on Sunday October 27, 2002. The course will cover the fundamentals of VTK 4.0 including system organization; the visualization pipeline; key filters and how to use them; surface, image, and volume rendering; and methods to interface your data to VTK. The course will be taught hands-on, students are encouraged to bring a laptop computer and work through the exercises during class. Attendees will receive course notes and a VTK User's Guide. This course is offered at a special conference price of $350 for the day ($250 for students).<br><br>
To register for this course, please contact Kitware at kitware@kitware.com, or via phone at 518-371-3971. The attached registration form (<a href="http://www.kitware.com/products/IeeeRegistrationForm.pdf" eudora="autourl">http://www.kitware.com/products/IeeeRegistrationForm.pdf</a>) may also be completed and faxed to 518-371-3971. Payment may be via credit card (MasterCard, Visa, or American Express) or check. Contact Kitware for information regarding payment via purchase order. Please register early, seating is limited.<br><br>
Come to the course and then enjoy the conference! IEEE Visualization is the premier visualization conference in the world today. This year the conference will be held in Boston, MA, USA from October 27 through November 1. At the conference you can meet many of the developers and companies creating visualization technology. A special 3-day exhibition (Kitware is a Gold Supporter) offers the chance to see and try the latest in visualization technology. Two special mini-conferences on volume visualization (VolVis 2002 h<u>ttp://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~volvis02/</u>) and information visualization (InfoVis 2002 <u>http://www.infovis.org/infovis2002/</u>) are also offered that same week.<br>