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I seem to have a problem with <b>vtkStructuredGridReader.</b>
<p>From a pipeline using <b>vtkPLOT3DReader</b> I created an ascii
STRUCTURED_GRID file with some results.
<p>Now using :
<p><b>vtkStructuredGridReader object</b>
<br><b> object SetFileName filename</b>
<br><b> object SetScalarsName scalars</b>
<br><b> object SetVectorsName vectors</b><b></b>
<p>I got the POINT_DATA but not the SCALAR (scalar) or VECTOR (vector)
values which I see stored in the ascii dataset.
<p>i.e. <b>[[object GetOutput] GetPointData] GetScalars]</b>
returns a null.
<p>Probably something very trivial - would appreciate suggestions.
<p>Many Thanks
<p><b>Dave Davies</b></html>