<P>I'm expermenting with storing an array of strings as part of a vtkFieldData object. Initially, I thought I might be able to do it by simply typecasting a char * to a void * and storing them in a vtkVoid Array, but I was unsuccessful. It appears that vtkDataWrite does not support the vtkVoidArray in any sense (errors out with a "Type currently not supported" message). Would anyone happen to have any creative ideas?</P>
<P>Grant</P><BR><BR>Grant Wagner<br>University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Senior<br>Graphics and Visualization Lab (GAVL), Research Assistant<br>Retro Gaming addict.<br>Kithera@Yahoo.com AIM:Kithera03 ICQ:32026512<br>Y!: Kithera MSN: Kithera@yahoo.com<br>(410) 451-6662<p><br><hr size=1>Do you Yahoo!?<br>
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