<DIV>Hi VTK users,</DIV>
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<DIV>This is a geometrical problem, somehow linked probably to teh geometrical algorithms in VTK, but...</DIV>
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<DIV>I have a surface ( on a plane ) and would like to tile it with squares. The square have standard dimensions, but can be rotated togheter. The problem is to find the orientation of the squares that would best cover the surface.</DIV>
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<DIV>Is this related to a OBB box ? A vtkOBBTree of representation 1 will generate the smallest box that will enclose the surface. Is this orientation the same with the one I seek ?</DIV>
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<DIV>Also, maybe it is related to vtkMassProperties, to the components on the Kx, Ky (that I did not understood exactly what they are ) but is it possible that thouse coeficients are related to the "orientation" of the surface ? </DIV>
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<DIV>Thank you in advance</DIV>
<DIV>Edi </DIV>
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