<P>Hi all VTK users!</P>
<P>I'm a VTK newbie;I'm developing a VTK Application .<BR>I want render 3D volume from a serie of 2D slices(images)!<BR>I've used code like in VTK example (vtk\Examples\Medical\TCL\Medical3.tcl) :</P>
<P>1 vtkContourFilter skinExtractor<BR>2 skinExtractor SetInput [v16 GetOutput]<BR>3 skinExtractor SetValue 0 500<BR>4 vtkPolyDataNormals skinNormals<BR>5 skinNormals SetInput [skinExtractor GetOutput]<BR>6 skinNormals SetFeatureAngle 60.0<BR>7 vtkStripper skinStripper<BR>8 skinStripper SetInput [skinNormals GetOutput]<BR>9 vtkPolyDataMapper skinMapper<BR>10 skinMapper SetInput [skinStripper GetOutput]<BR>11 skinMapper ScalarVisibilityOff<BR>12 vtkActor skin<BR> ..... And so on!<BR>It works well.<BR>but my problem is with a specific serie of slices , I can't determine <BR>which value is used in SetValue function in line 3 (for example , this is 500 but i dont know how to calculator it)<BR>(Both Parameters , but 2nd Parameter is more imporant).<BR>I ve tried to find the solution in VTK document,example ... but it has no good result.<BR>Can anyone help me
?<BR>I'm using vtk4.2 !<BR>Thanks !</P></DIV><p><hr SIZE=1>
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