<DIV>you need to send out a message to the right window and tell it to update the window. Your assertion that only WM_TIMER is handled is incorrect. In fact, all the messages in the switch block are handled, the same way(that's why the right window is updated when you click in it). You can look up SendMessage to figure out how to send a message.<BR><BR><B><I>Zhu Yong <yong_zhy@hotmail.com></I></B> wrote:
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">I use Visual C++ created an application with a splitted window. Left window <BR>contains some buttons and text box. What I expect is that:<BR>when I give some value in the text boxes and click the button, the right <BR>render window will be updated. But now the right window won't be update <BR>unless I click on it. The only message handled by the right render window is <BR>WM_TIMER<BR>Here is the code from the WindowProc function:<BR>==================================================<BR>// TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class<BR>switch(message)<BR>{<BR>//case WM_PAINT:<BR>case WM_LBUTTONDOWN:<BR>case WM_LBUTTONUP:<BR>case WM_MBUTTONDOWN:<BR>case WM_MBUTTONUP:<BR>case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:<BR>case WM_RBUTTONUP:<BR>case WM_MOUSEMOVE:<BR>case WM_CHAR:<BR>case WM_TIMER:<BR>if (this->iren->GetInitialized())<BR>{<BR>return vtkHandleMessage2(this->m_hWnd,
message, wParam, lParam, <BR>this->iren);<BR>}<BR>break;<BR>}<BR><BR>return CView::WindowProc(message, wParam, lParam);<BR>==============================================<BR><BR>Anyone can help me to figure out the problem?<BR><BR>Thanks<BR>grds<BR>Zhu Yong<BR><BR>_________________________________________________________________<BR>Take a break! Find destinations on MSN Travel. http://www.msn.com.sg/travel/<BR><BR>_______________________________________________<BR>This is the private VTK discussion list. <BR>Please keep messages on-topic. Check the FAQ at: <HTTP: vtkfaq cgi-bin public.kitware.com><BR>Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:<BR>http://www.vtk.org/mailman/listinfo/vtkusers</BLOCKQUOTE></DIV><p><hr SIZE=1>
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