Hello Everyone,<BR>
I have a point cloud and a scalar array.<BR>
I want to create a 3D contour plot of the point plot , with the contour values taken from the scalar array.<BR>
I tried constructing a surface plot and then contouring the surface using vtkMarchingCubes, but the vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter looses the scalar array, i mean it does not retain the values that i put inside.<BR>
I have vtkpolydata and fill it up with the points and attach a scalar to it. Then i pass the vtkploydata to the vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter. Then the output from the vtkSurfaceReconstructionFilter goes to vtkMarchingCubes.<BR>
Is this the correct way to get a 3D contour from a point cloud.<BR>
Please tell me the correct way.<BR>
I would be much grateful for the help.<BR>
David Michell<BR>
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