<DIV><PRE>Hi Nick,</PRE><PRE>I was using a vtkTIFFReader instance and I updated both the reader and as well as the vtkImageAppend instances with Update(). It didn't work. This is what I found: </PRE><PRE>When I appeneded the images to the vtkImageAppend instance (with append axis set to 2, for that matter either 0/1), the output dimensions of the vtkImageData instance returned by the GetOutput() procedure was never more than the visible extents; so, I set the whole extents be updated (with UpdateWholeExtent() of vtkImageAppend) and it worked.</PRE><PRE>Thanks for the discussion and your insight nick.</PRE><PRE>Madhu.</PRE><PRE>>Madhu,
>Did you Update() the filter before you called GetOutput()? If the output of
>vtkImageAppend goes to the display pipeline, it will be updated whenever the
>image is rendering. However, if you just want to access the output image
>before the rendering, you will have to force the filter to update.
><I> Hi Nick,
</I>><I> It tried that and didn't work. (Intially, I didn't set the appendaxis
</I>flag to 2; when I viewed it with vtkImageViewer, images were appended side
by side, so learnt about the append axis and later set it to 2 (z-axis))
However, with the appendaxis set to 2, GetOutput() is not returning volume.
Thanks for your insight in this problem.
</I>><I> Madhu.
</I>><I> >Hi Madhu,>The default AppendAxis of vtkImageAppend is the X axis. You
</I>will have to set>the AppendAxis to 2 for appending slices in XY plane to Z
axis.>Nick> Hi all,>> I'm trying to construct volume data from various
images (read separately).I tried to add images as they are read into a
single volume usingvtkImageAppend.AddInput(), assuming that GetOutput()
member ofvtkImageAppend would return a volume data. But GetOutput is not
returning avolume. Can anyone tell me whether my approach is correct and
suggest anyalternatives?>> I appreciate your help.>> Thanks,> Madhu.
</PRE><!--endarticle--></DIV><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com