It uses the modified lookup table defined in:<br><br>
<div align="center">Claudio Montani, Riccardo Scateni, and Roberto
Scopigno. A modified lookup table for implicit disambiguation of marching
cubes. The Visual Computer, 10(6):353-355, 1994. <br><br>
At 03:24 AM 6/14/2004, Hämäläinen Janne wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite>Hi,<br><br>
We are doing processing on surfaces which requires the surfaces to
topologically correct. We are hoping to use the vtkImageMarchingCubes
for constructing the surfaces. It seems, based on the testing we have
with the filter, that it uses some kind of corrected version of the
Marching cubes lookup table which (as discussed for example in
Lachaud. Topologically Defined Iso-surfaces. In Proc. 6th Discrete
for Computer Imagery (DGCI), volume 1176 of Lecture Notes in
Science, pages 245 256. Springer-Verlag, 1996.") may produce holes
or other<br>
topological defects in the surface. What kind of lookup table does
vtkImageMarchingCubes filter use? Is it published somewhere (we would
to refer to an article)?<br><br>
Cheers, Janne Hämäläinen<br><br>
Janne Hämäläinen<br>
Helsinki University Central Hospital<br>
Department of Radiology<br>
janne dot hamalainen at hus dot fi<br>
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