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<blockquote type="cite" cite="mid410E2CF6.6060002@cdnorthamerica.com"> you
need to intersect the streamline with the terminating boundary. [...]
Are you sure that your intersection was successful? <br>
The problem is that for some perfectly legal input the algorithm does not
get there.<br>
There are two important points in the "while" loop that generates the<br>
points on the stream line:<br>
- at the computation of the next point:<br>
<i>if ((tmp= integrator->ComputeNextStep(...)) != 0)<br>
/********************************** my code *************************************/<br>
if (tmp!=OUT_OF_DOMAIN)<br>
// compute intersection with edge and try to switch to next
// ....<br>
- at the computation of the velocity vector for the newly generated point:<br>
<i>if ( !func->FunctionValues(point2, velocity) )<br>
retVal = OUT_OF_DOMAIN;<br>
memcpy(lastPoint, point2, 3*sizeof(double));<br>
Now for a very simple example the loop exits from the second condition<br>
(I enclose at the end of this message the .vtk file). This means that the
integration step has taken place succesfully, but the FunctionValues<br>
fails; more exactly, it calls EvaluatePosition, and this fails. Note that<br>
the point is in the current cell - see the attached image (the seed point
(0.05, 0.02, 0).<br>
Each computed point is projected on the current cell. I inserted the following<br>
code right before inserting the point. I wrote a function "Project" because
I <br>
do not really know the meaning of the 0 or -1 returned by EvaluatePosition,<br>
if the point under consideration is outside the cell and its projection onto
the <br>
cell's plane is internal to the cell (or on its boundary).<br>
<i> if (cell->GetCellDimension()==2)<br>
double projPoint[3];<br>
if (Project(cell, point1, projPoint))<br>
memcpy(point1, projPoint, 3*sizeof(double));<br>
I think that for this case integrator->ComputeNextStep is successful because<br>
both the initial point and the point+delta/2 fall within the cell; the next
point, <br>
however, gets out of the cell, and FunctionValues somehow detects this.<br>
Which means that I have to hack also around the call of FunctionValues.<br>
# vtk DataFile Version 2.0<br>
Sample data for polydata<br>
POINTS 5 float<br>
0.0 0.0 0.0<br>
2.0 0.0 0.0<br>
0.0 2.0 0.0<br>
2.0 2.0 1.0<br>
1.5 3.5 1.5<br>
POLYGONS 3 12<br>
3 0 1 2<br>
3 1 2 3<br>
3 2 3 4<br>
SCALARS scalars float 1<br>
LOOKUP_TABLE default<br>
VECTORS vectors float<br>
1 1 21<br>
4 2 21<br>
6 3 21<br>
8 4 21<br>
10 5 21<br>