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<big>Ooooookay, the image came out, but the text
didn't. Lemme try this again, sans image.<br>
I think I may have a similar problem. I built a sphere by creating a PlaneSource
and passing it through a TransformPolyDataFilter using a SphericalTransform.
I ended up with a perfect sphere *except* for one missing strip of polys
along the longitude=0 line. I closed this gap by appending points to one
end of the plane, before warping it. I also tried to then pass the data into
a CleanPolyData filter, to merge the coincident points; but I ended up with
a really weird effect, and I couldn't fix it; I eventually had to give up
on merging the points.<br>
Take a look at the screenshot in my previous post; is this similar to
what you're experiencing?</big>