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<big>Thanks, but I don't think you understand the problem. I can close the
gap just fine, but the two edges will overlap without being merged together.
It's when I merge them using a CleanPolyData filter that I get the warping
<blockquote type="cite">
<pre>Hi Jared,
I have some C++ code based on the spherical Tcl example that I think
solves your problem. It avoids a singularity at the Z axis by offsetting
the plane by a very small amount. I am attaching the source file
'spherical.cxx'. It takes any valid 2D vtkImageReader2 input and maps it
to a sphere in the manner that you describe.
The Cmake configuration stuff is as follows:
ADD_EXECUTABLE (spherical spherical.cxx)
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES (spherical vtkRendering vtkIO vtkGraphics)