<DIV>Hi users !!!</DIV>
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<DIV>Im using VTK 4.4 and Java 1.4.2_05 under Windows XP and i handle the follow error in a Runtime error message box :<BR>"R6025 - pure virtual function call"</DIV>
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<DIV>Tanks a lot for your help.</DIV>
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<DIV>a peace of my code:</DIV>
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<DIV> vtkCanvas renWin = new vtkCanvas();<BR> renWin.setLocation(450, 10);<BR> <BR> vtkImageViewer2 visualizaImagem = new vtkImageViewer2();<BR> visualizaImagem.SetInput( leImagem.GetOutputImagemLida() );<BR> visualizaImagem.SetColorWindow( window );<BR> visualizaImagem.SetColorLevel ( level );<BR> visualizaImagem.SetZSlice( z/2 );<BR> <BR> renWin.GetRenderer().AddActor(visualizaImagem.GetImageActor());<BR> this.getContentPane().add(renWin);<BR></DIV><p>__________________________________________________<br>Do You Yahoo!?<br>Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around <br>http://mail.yahoo.com