I am replant the example “annotatePick.tcl” using Java. But I don’t how to use the method “AddObserver” in java.
“AddObserver” method has three parameters. In C++, we can carry a function pointer as the second parameter, but in “vtkObject.java”, the method defined as follow:
public native int AddObserver(String id0, Object id1, String id2);
so what can I do to translate the real parameter to the second formal parameter?
The script of annotatePick.tcl as follow:
# Create a cell picker.
vtkCellPicker picker
picker AddObserver EndPickEvent annotatePick
# Create a Tcl procedure to create the text for the text mapper used to
# display the results of picking.
proc annotatePick {} {
if { [picker GetCellId] < 0 } {
        textActor VisibilityOff
} else {
        set selPt [picker GetSelectionPoint]
        set x [lindex $selPt 0]
        set y [lindex $selPt 1]
        set pickPos [picker GetPickPosition]
        set xp [lindex $pickPos 0]
        set yp [lindex $pickPos 1]
        set zp [lindex $pickPos 2]
        textMapper SetInput "($xp, $yp, $zp)"
        textActor SetPosition $x $y
        textActor VisibilityOn
renWin Render
Thanks in advance.
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