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<body><div style="display: block; font-family: Arial; font-size: 12px;">Hi,<br>
I am rather new to VTK and I am currently<br>
working on a molecular visualization programm.<br>
I am able to visualize the molecule using spheres<br>
and cylinders, pick spheres (atoms)<br>
in my scene and change their color (or other properties).<br>
Now I would like to get the position of the picked object<br>
in the loop used to create these objects. More precisely,<br>
I would like to get the value of "i" (see the example below) <br>
corresponding to the selected object so that I can use<br>
list[i] (list is a vector and len(list) is its length)<br>
part of the python code is:<br>
for i in range(len(list)):<br>
atom = vtk.vtkSphereSource()<br>
atomMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper()<br>
atomActor = vtk.vtkActor()<br>
picker = vtk.vtkPropPicker()<br>
picker.AddObserver("EndPickEvent", aPick)<br>
def aPick(object, event):<br>
if (picker.GetActor()):<br>
picker.GetActor().GetProperty().SetColor(0,2,2) #used to highlight the picked atom<br>
Could you please help me or suggest me how to solve this problem?<br>
Thank you very much<br>
Sam Wolfow<br>
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