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<DIV>Hi,<BR><BR>I am having problem with the script below.<BR>It seems like the
compiler doesn trecognize the folder VTK_DATA_ROOT...<BR>So i switched it to the
path of the VTKDATA I downloaded (with <BR>Data/masonry.bmp in it). But it still
doesn t work..<BR>I am not sure i understand what VTK_DATA_ROOT represents
anyway.<BR><BR>In the VTK folder I downloaded. There is not a whole lot of
example written <BR>in C++. If anybody knows the adress of a site where I can
find any I would <BR>really apreciate.<BR>How would you write the line<BR>reader
SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/masonry.bmp"<BR><BR>in
C++?<BR><BR><BR><BR>Thank u very much<BR>Yala, true VTK
newbie...<BR><BR><BR>package require vtk<BR><BR># we have to make sure it works
with multiple scalar components<BR><BR># Image pipeline<BR><BR>vtkBMPReader
reader<BR><BR>reader SetFileName "$VTK_DATA_ROOT/Data/masonry.bmp"<BR><BR>reader
SetDataExtent 0 255 0 255 0 0<BR><BR>reader SetDataSpacing 1 1 1<BR><BR>reader
SetDataOrigin 0 0 0<BR><BR>reader UpdateWholeExtent<BR><BR>vtkTransform
transform<BR><BR>transform RotateZ 45<BR><BR>transform Scale 1.414 1.414
1.414<BR><BR>vtkImageReslice reslice<BR><BR>reslice SetInput [reader
GetOutput]<BR><BR>reslice SetResliceTransform transform<BR><BR>reslice
InterpolateOn<BR><BR>reslice SetInterpolationModeToCubic<BR><BR>reslice
WrapOn<BR><BR>reslice AutoCropOutputOn<BR><BR>vtkImageViewer
viewer<BR><BR>viewer SetInput [reslice GetOutput]<BR><BR>viewer SetZSlice
0<BR><BR>viewer SetColorWindow 256.0<BR><BR>viewer SetColorLevel
127.5<BR><BR>viewer Render<BR><BR></DIV></BODY></HTML>