<p><font size="2">Thank you, Vidyadhar, but I had already done all
that.</font></p><p><font size="2">Yet, the problem has been solved!
vtkDotNetWrap.dll (version for VTK 4.2) only works with versions prior to 4.2.3
and I had VTK 4.2.3 installed. Now, with VTK 4.2.2, everythig works as it
should!</font></p><p><font size="2">Thank you,<br />Patrícia<br /></font><br
/><br />Citando vidyadhar <vidyadhar@lucidindia.net />:<br /><br />Hi,<br />The
error message says<br />File or assembly name vtkDotNetWrap, or one of its
dependencies, was not<br />found.<br />This wrapper assembly depends upon the
vtk dlls (like vtkCommon.dll,<br />vtkRendering.dll, etc.). Do you have them on
PATH?. Have you installed VTK or<br />only the wrapper?.<br />Hope this helps<br
/>Vidyadhar<br />----- Original Message -----<br />From: patgo@sapo.pt<br />To:
vtkusers@vtk.org<br />Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 10:51 PM<br />Subject:
[vtkusers] vtkDotNetWrap.dll<br /><br /><br />Hi,<br /><br />I have just
installed VTK to work with C#. As supposed, I have copied<br
/>vtkDotNetWrap.dll to the project's directory and use it as a reference.
The<br />solution builds just fine but the project doesn't run. It presents me
the<br />following text:<br /><br />An unhandled exception of type
'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in<br />Unknown Module.<br
/>Additional information: File or assembly name vtkDotNetWrap, or one of its<br
/>dependencies, was not found.<br /><br />Does anybody know how to prevent this?
What can I do?<br /><br />Thank you,<br />Patrícia Gonçalves</p><br />
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