<div>vtkCylinderSource See Detail in Attach File (picture)</div>
<div>vtkCylinderSource See Detail in Attach File (picture)<br><br>I use vtkCellPicker For pick cylinder Actor<br>I use vtkPointPicker For pick both the end of cylinder<br><br>Example use picker<br><br> public void update(Observable o, Object arg) {
<br> // Create a cell picker.<br> picker = new vtkCellPicker();<br><br> // Now at the end of the pick event call the above function.<br> picker.AddObserver("EndPickEvent", Annotate.this
"annotatePick");<br><br> iren.SetPicker(picker);<br> this.addWindowSetObserver(new Observer() {<br> xxxx...<br> }<br><br> });<br><br><br>In source code on top , I use only vtkCellPicker. In VTK
<br>But , If I want to pick cell and point at the same time<br>(I want pick cell and point (No get point ) )<br><br>How do I do? Please.<br><br>How do I write addWindowSetObserver() command ?<br> </div>