As I've not seen yet, there packages already compiled for VTK 5.0 and bindings for Tcl and Python.<br> <br> The packages can be found at<br> <br> and the package manager of your choice will be able to install VTK and install/updade the dependencies as needed.<br> <br> Since these 'offers' tend to be volatile due updates in the rest of the Linux system libraries and currency of VTK against the last version, I thought it would not be a good idea putting links in the page, so I'm posting it for the interested.<br> <br> Caveat emptor: I didn't build nor package this RPMs! For further info or bug reporting refer to the packagers.<br> <br> <br> <BR><BR>-- <br>Cesar Rabak<br>GNU/Linux User 52247.<br>Get counted:<p>
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