Hi all,<br> i 'm developping an application that read series of 2D Dicom slice, show it using the fltkimageviewer class from InsightApplications, and apply some processing on it to reconstruct a 3D Volume using Algebric Reconstruction Technic, and show the volume with an fltkimageviewer too.<br> i tried to include all windows in a unique interface ( because process buttons are in the main interface, and each fltkimageviewer is in a new windows, it was very bad), i didn't success to do it.<br> <ol style="font-style: italic;"> <li>plz could any one help me in this, or give me another solution to visualize my data.</li> <li>the resulted volume is visualized slice by slice, how could i visualize it in a 3D window?</li> </ol> thx a lot for your time.<br> regards,<br> <span style="font-weight: bold;"><br> </span><p>
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