<p><tt>"Diego R. Medaglia" <diegomedaglia@terra.com.br> wrote on 07/06/2006 14:04:11:<br>
> Hi everybody!</tt><br>
<tt>> I'm trying to superimpose two images, with the original in the <br>
> background and the other being the result of a segmentation done <br>
> with ITK on the original one.</tt><br>
<tt>> As it is a segmentation, there's lots of black pixels, that will<br>
> hide the image behind it (the original one). I'm trying to do the <br>
> whole thing by defining an actor out of each image and adding them <br>
> to the same renderer, and then setting the color and opacity of the <br>
> result image(the actor) so that i'm still able to see the original <br>
> one behind it, but without any success. </tt><br>
<tt>> Is there any way of NOT SHOWING the completely dark pixels i.e. <br>
> setting the opacity of color (0,0,0) to 0? That would solve the <br>
> problem, wouldn't it?</tt><br>
<tt>I'm not sure what kind of data your 'images' are or how you are rendering them but I have done this sort of thing with geometrical data using SetTableValue calls for a vtkLookupTable and specifying opacity=0 for the values to become transparent. If you have image data you could set alpha values directly?</tt><br>
<tt> Dave P</tt><br>
<tt>> Any other ways of getting around this situation is also welcome.</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> Thank you all, </tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> Diego<br>
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