Folks:<br><br>Just wanted to issue a follow-up to my earlier post, mostly to thank Mike, Kevin and Glen for their replies which allowed me to build VTK with wrappings to Python 2.4. A few details follow, but I did want to apologize for not responding sooner. Other urgent business called me away, and I did not want to re-post until I had followed all the suggestions as far as I could.
<br><br>The solution in my case turned out to be simple. I had turned the X11 switch ON, not realizing that adding functionality I did not really need was a big mistake. On other lists I had become aware that building packages against X11 can be problematical, and eventually this began to sink in. Kevin asked if
glx.h was among the headers on my system, and indeed it is not present in the OpenGL framework, which led me back to my bad choice. To answer Glen's questions, the quoted lines were indeed present in CMakeCache.txt, but I did not know anything about cvs, which sent me to reading the man pages. Lots to learn there. I did indeed build the .gz version
5.0 from the vtk website, but I will avoid that in the future.<br><br>Anyway your concern got me past the first hurdle, and now we get at least to start. <br><br>With sincere appreciation.<br><br>Greg<br>