Hi everyone,<br><br>For the past few hours, I have been trying to find
out why I get this error on using vtkDICOMImageReader class. I am new
to VTK and was playing around with this class when I noticed this error.<br><br>I
initialize a DICOM reader object and attach it to a vtkDICOMImageViewer
object. This works fine. The error happens when I set the directory of
the DICOM reader to point to another DICOM directory. Then, I get the
<br><br>libc detected: free() invalid pointer.<br><br>Here is my code:<br><br> vtkDICOMImageReader *reader = vtkDICOMImageReader::New(); <br> vtkImageViewer* image_view = vtkImageViewer::New(); <br> image_view->SetInput(reader-
<br> <br> reader->SetDirectoryName("/home/luca/data/dicom/11089");<br> reader->Update();<br> <br> widget.SetRenderWindow(image_view->GetRenderWindow()); <br> image_view->SetupInteractor(widget.GetRenderWindow
()->GetInteractor()); <br><br> // When I display this without the next lines, it works fine. <br><br> // NOW I TRY TO UPDATE MY READER with a new input.<br><br> reader->SetDirectoryName("/home/luca/data/dicom/11088");
<br> reader->Update(); <br><br> When I call the SetDirectoryName method, the program crashes with libc error. I am new to VTK and maybe I am using it the way that it is not supposed to be used. Maybe, I have to pause the rendering or something. If anyone has any ideas, please help.
<br><br>I have no idea what is going on! Please help! I wish this bug did not happen on a Friday!<br><br>Thanks,