<p><tt>"abhishek gattani" <abhishekg4u@gmail.com> wrote on 21/07/2006 17:45:16:<br>
> Hi All,<br>
> <br>
> I am trying to place a 2D color image at a given position and<br>
> orientation in 3D space. Can vtk be used for doing that? I have looked<br>
> in vtkImagePlaneWidget which only allows the orientation to be any of<br>
> the x,y,z axis. I also looking into vtkImageActor which also does not<br>
> provide the ability to place an image at a desired position and<br>
> orientation. I cant use Image reslice because my 2D Images are not<br>
> extracted from a volume but got from a camera. But a strong feeling<br>
> tells me that vtk should be able to do so. Please guide me. Thanks,<br>
> <br>
> Best, Abhishek<br>
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<tt>You can load the image into a vtkTexture, create a vtkPlaneSource with height and width sized according to image dimensions, pass the plane through vtkTransformPolyDataFilter then a mapper and actor. Apply the texture to the plane with actor->SetTexture. Use the transform to position and orient the plane as desired in 3D. </tt><br>
<tt>There should be an example or 2 in vtk, try the examples related to vtkPlaneSource perhaps?</tt><br>
<tt> regards</tt><br>
<tt> Dave P</tt></body></html>