Hi,<br><br>That is what I ended up doing. Just extending from QVTKWidget and overriding te resizeEvent method.<br><br>Thanks!<br><br>Anja<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 15/09/06, <b class="gmail_sendername">Jesús Spínola
</b> <<a href="mailto:jspinola@gmail.com">jspinola@gmail.com</a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;"><div>On the qt resize event i call the GetRenderWindow()->GetSize() method from the qvtkwidget and i get the right size
<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">2006/8/26, Clinton Stimpson <<a href="mailto:clinton@elemtech.com" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
clinton@elemtech.com</a>>:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;"></blockquote></div><div><span class="e" id="q_10db12cc76d3eb2d_1">
<br>> From: "Anja Ende" <<a href="mailto:anja.ende@googlemail.com" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
anja.ende@googlemail.com</a>><br>> Subject: Re: [vtkusers] size of QVTKWidget<br>> To: <a href="mailto:vtkusers@vtk.org" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">vtkusers@vtk.org</a>
<br>><br>> Hi Clint,<br>><br>> Thanks for your reply. I really tried calling ensurePolished() and it still
<br>> returns the same window size.<br>><br>> Actually if I query the window size after the exec() has returned, then it<br>> returns the correct value... But my then it is too late :(<br>><br>> Here is a bit of code, to see when I am actually querying for the size...
<br>><br>> QHBoxLayout * mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout;<br>> mainLayout->addLayout(viewersLayout);<br>> mainLayout->addLayout(toolbarLayout);<br>><br>> mainWindow.AddLayout(mainLayout);<br>> mainWindow.Pack
();<br>> // As you can see, I call show before I query the size...<br>> mainWindow.showFullScreen();<br>><br>> // totally bogus values....<br>> int * size = xyViewer->GetSize();<br>><br>> Is there a way yo override some of these creation events....???
<br>><br>> Cheers and thanks,<br>><br>> Anja<br>><br><br>It appears the full screen thing makes the difference. The reason why,<br>I'm not sure.<br>Delayed initialization is done by getting the polish event. But in this
<br>case, the resize appears to be done after the polish event. I expect<br>the resize to be before the polish.<br>It behaves the same whether it is a normal QWidget or the QVTKWidget.<br>So I suggest you take your question to the qt interest list, and ask
<br>them for more information or for a solution.<br><br>Clint<br><br></span></div><div>_______________________________________________<br>This is the private VTK discussion list.<br>Please keep messages on-topic. Check the FAQ at:
<a href="http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK_FAQ" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">
http://www.vtk.org/Wiki/VTK_FAQ</a><br>Follow this link to subscribe/unsubscribe:<br><a href="http://www.vtk.org/mailman/listinfo/vtkusers" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)">http://www.vtk.org/mailman/listinfo/vtkusers