Hello vtkusers,<br><br>I would greatly appreciate your input regarding the following. I am deriving a simple filter from the vtkDataSetToStructuredGridFilter class. Within the Execute() method of the derived class, access to input and output sockets is gained with standard calls such as:
<br><br> vtkDataSet* inp = this->GetInput();<br> vtkStructuredGrid* out = this->GetOutput();<br><br>Then, the output object is built by using out->SetDimensions(..,), out->SetPoints(...) and so on. However, I get nothing out. If Debug() is ON, I never see the vtkDebugMacro messages I inserted in my code, which makes me think that Execute() is not being called at all. I don't see what is it that I am overlooking. Thanks for any hints.
<br><br>Oscar<br><br><br>Oscar Yanez Suarez<br>Laboratorio de Neuroimagenologia<br>Departamento de Ingenieria Electrica<br>UAM - Iztapalapa<br><a href="http://docencia.izt.uam.mx/oys">http://docencia.izt.uam.mx/oys</a>