<div>Hi everyone,</div>
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<div>I use vtkPolyDataWriter to write into a pdw file a successfully segmented volume data, using the statements below:</div>
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<div>vtkPolyDataWriter* writer=vtkPolyDataWriter::New();<br> writer->SetInput(marchingcube->GetOutput());<br> writer->SetFileName("heart.pdw");<br> writer->Write();</div>
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<div>and use vtkPolyDataReader to retrieve the data from that file afterwards:</div>
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<div>vtkPolyDataReader* reader2=vtkPolyDataReader::New();<br> reader2->SetFileName("heart.pdw");<br> reader2->Update();</div>
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<div>but an error arise with the message: </div>
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<div>Generic Warning: In \vtk-4-2\Io\vtkDataReader.cxx, line 833<br>Error reading ascii data!</div>
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<div>I have tried reading another pdw file using vtkPolyDataReader class successfully, so I guess there might be something</div>
<div>wrong with the vtkPolyDataReader---is there any other parameters/properties I have to set before writing to file?</div>
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<div>BTW: there is no problem with marchingcube->GetOutput(). It can be correctly visualized.</div>
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<div>Any feedback will be greatly appreciated!</div>
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