Ok, another thing I noticed is that the 2d and 3d actors do not co-exist within the same renderer.<br><br>I have something like:<br><br>vtkPNGReader * Image = vtkPNGReader::New();<br>Image->SetFileName("/home/anja/image.png");
<br>Image->Update();<br>vtkImageActor * actor = vtkImageActor::New();<br>actor->SetInput(Image->GetOutput());<br>actor->PickableOn();<br><br>Now, I am adding 2 actors to the renderer as:<br><br>// 2d actor<br>
this->m_renderer->AddActor(this->m_actor2D);<br>and...<br>this->m_renderer->AddActor(actor);<br><br>All I see on the screen is my huge image (scaled) and not the underlying 2D actor now...<br><br>Is it not at all possible to control these aspects of 3d actors? For example, I do not want the actor to interpolate. I have a reslicer which does the interpolation and I do not want to interpolate again... Is it not possible to turn it these things off or have an easy way to position these actors?? Quite confusing....
<br><br>Cheers,<br>Anja<br><br><div><span class="gmail_quote">On 10/10/06, <b class="gmail_sendername">Anja Ende</b> <<a href="mailto:anja.ende@googlemail.com">anja.ende@googlemail.com</a>> wrote:</span><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">
Hi everyone,<br><br>I have been trying to convert all my 2D actors to vtkActor as I just cannot seem to get the prop picking to work.<br><br>However, I am having a really hard time getting the actors to be placed where I want them to be:
<br><br>In particular, 2 affects are really annoying:<br><br>- The actor seems to scale itself to fill the view. I guess it wants to place itself in such a way that all other actors are visible. Is there a way to override it. I do not want my images to be scaled!
<br><br>- Second is the positioning of the actor. Can I simply specify an x, y screen position and the actor places itself at that point or is it completely hopeless and I need to redo half the rendering engine of vtk? :P
<br><br>By the way, anyone knows what is going on with the search today? I only am getting blank pages back.<br clear="all"><br>Thanks. I hope someone can help me.<br><br>Cheers,<br><span class="sg"><br>Anja