Hi everyone,<br><br>I was wondering if anyone has successfully displayed a 3d actor over a 2d actor and be willing to share an example.<br><br>I tried but unsuccessfully... I am only either able to show the 3d actor that is scaled and my 2d actor is not visible or I see nothing at all. I tried setting camera stuff (especially with parallel projection) but did not really work. I guess I am shooting in the dark here...
<br><br>I am trying to do something simple like:<br><br>// Add our 2d actor<br>this->m_renderer->AddActor(this->m_actor2D);<br><br>vtkPNGReader * cursorImage = vtkPNGReader::New();<br>cursorImage->SetFileName("/home/anja/bin/crosshair.png");
<br>cursorImage->Update();<br><br>vtkImageActor * actor = vtkImageActor::New();<br>actor->SetInput(cursorImage->GetOutput());<br>actor->PickableOn();<br>// Add the 3d actor.<br>this->m_renderer->AddActor(actor);
<br>actor->Delete();<br>cursorImage->Delete();<br><br>// As per David's suggestion.<br>this->m_actor2D->GetProperty()->SetDisplayLocationToBackground();<br><br>this->m_renderer->GetActiveCamera()->ParallelProjectionOn();
<br clear="all"><br>Hope you can help me. Thanks again :)<br><br>I will keep trying and update this thread when this is solved. I think a lot of newbies like me are struggling with this.<br><br>Cheers,<br><br>Anja