Hi all,<br> <br> I am trying to read a set of 2D slices that are in .raw format. How should I do this ? in C++. <br><br>The following is the code that I use and I get errors with it<br><br>My quesiton is: <br><br>1. How should the slices be labeled ?<br><pre>I have 065.raw, 066.raw, 067.raw....095.raw as the slice names<br>There are 32 slices in all each of 256 x 256 size.<br><br>I renamed them to file.raw.0, file.raw.1, file.raw.2...<br>Some websites mentioned that this should be the format.<br>I renamed the first 3 slices and have hence reduced the extent to<br> 0, 255, 0,255, 0, 2.<br><br>2. I get the following error for <br>ERROR: In ..\..\vtk\Filtering\vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline.cxx, line <br>628<br>vtkStreamingDemandDrivenPipeline (061A8E28): The update extent specified <br>in the information ....(the rest is hidden by a windows-debug popup window)<br><br><br>Here is the code that I use.<br><br>vtkImageReader *v16 =
vtkImageReader::New();<br></pre> v16->SetDataScalarTypeToUnsignedChar();<br> v16->SetHeaderSize(0);<br> v16->SetFileDimensionality(2);<br> v16->SetDataByteOrderToLittleEndian();<br> v16->SetFilePrefix ("065.raw");<br> v16->SetDataExtent(0, 255, 0, 255, 0 , 2);<br> v16->SetDataSpacing (1.0, 1.0, 4.0);<br> v16->Update();<br><br><br>Any help in this direction is greatly appreciated.<br>thanks,<br>Emma<br><p> 
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