<div>Hi, </div>
<div> </div>
<div>I am kinda new to VTK. Could anybody give me a hint how to smooth a vtkPolyData object (3D). I searched around and found that vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter might be able to do the trick. But I am not sure how to use it. What I am having is a vtkPolyData object which is too spiky and I want to smooth it. It could be very simple to do it but I do need help. I have the following code:
<div><br> vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter* smooth = vtkSmoothPolyDataFilter::New();<br> smooth->SetInput( ????? ->GetOutput()); // what to replace with ????? is it my vtkPolyData object?<br> smooth->SetNumberOfIterations(10);
<br> smooth->SetRelaxationFactor(0.5);<br> smooth->Update();</div>
<div><br> vtkPolyData* smoothedPoly = smooth->GetOutput();<br> ......</div>
<div> </div>
<div>TIA,</div><span class="sg">