<p><tt>"TheSaint 555" <thesaint555@hotmail.com> wrote on 15/12/2006 22:58:20:<br>
> Im new to VTK and have a few questions before I start using it.<br>
> <br>
> I have an NxNxN matrix (N typically being 15-30). Each element is in the <br>
> range [0-3]. I would like to visualize the matrix as a collection of NxNxN <br>
> little cubes each colored only if the value is non zero (and be able to <br>
> rotate it with the mouse). I would like the zero-values elements to be fully <br>
> transparent. What is the easiest way to do this in VTK? Is there already a <br>
> class that implements this?<br>
> <br>
> I would like to also be able to slice the matrix arbitrarily along the axes <br>
> and view the intersection of the elements with the cross section plane.<br>
> <br>
> And is there an easy way to generate postscript of these image?<br>
> <br>
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<tt>vtkLookupTable allows control of alpha. You can build a lookup table 'by hand' using SetNumberOfColors, SetTableValue-(one per color), Build. You would set alpha to 0 (transparent) for the appropriate scalar values and set to 1 for everything else, probably using RGB to show variation in scalars.</tt><br>
<tt> Dave P</tt></body></html>