<p>Hi, I am a quite newbie to VTK.<br>I am involving in a project. I consider to write a VTK mouse picking method in C++ code. I know the sample Tcl code, partially as following:<br> <br># Create a text mapper and actor to display the results of picking.
<br>vtkTextMapper textMapper<br>set tprop [textMapper GetTextProperty]<br> $tprop SetFontFamilyToArial<br> $tprop SetFontSize 10<br> $tprop BoldOn <br> $tprop ShadowOn<br> $tprop SetColor 1 0 0<br>vtkActor2D textActor
<br> textActor VisibilityOff<br> textActor SetMapper textMapper<br> <br>in the sample, tprop is created, but what kind of object it is? vtkTextProperty or vtkProperty? Or i dunt need to specify the type of object?<br>
Can anybody help me what is the code in C++ ???<br> <br>vtkTextMapper textMapper <br>set tprop [textMapper GetTextProperty]</p>
<p>set selPt [picker GetSelectionPoint]<br>set x [lindex $selPt 0] <br>set y [lindex $selPt 1]<br>set pickPos [picker GetPickPosition]<br>set xp [lindex $pickPos 0] <br>set yp [lindex $pickPos 1]<br>set zp [lindex $pickPos 2]
<p> <br>Thanks very much!<br> </p>