<div>Hi VTK friends! I am lost.Can anyone help me to fix d following code?</div> <div> </div> <div>/************************************************************************************************************</div> <div> </div> <div>for ( int index = 0; index < 1; index++ ){<BR> double length = (index+1)*2; <BR> <BR> vtkOBBTree testObb[length][3];<BR> /* I have also tried with the following:</div> <div> vtkOBBTree **testObb = new vtkOBBTree *[3];</div> <div>But does not work! */</div> <div> for ( int i = 0; i <= length; i+=
2){<BR> :</div> <div> :</div> <div> :</div> <div> <BR> testObb[i] = vtkOBBTree::New();// this also does not work.<BR> testObb[i]->SetMaxLevel(0);<BR> testObb[i]->AutomaticOn(); <BR>
testObb[i]->ComputeOBB(clipper->GetOutput(),testCorner[i],testMax[i],testMid[i],testMin[i],testSize[i]);</div> <div><BR> :<BR> :<BR> :</div> <div> }</div> <div> }</div> <div> </div> <div>************************************************************************************************************/</div> <div>regards and thanks in advance.</div> <div>Wei.</div><p> 
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