Hello,<br><br>I am trying to develop some applications in c++ in Linux using VTK. However, I can not get cmake/ccmake to compile anything and I can not just find a simple makefile or example of the command I would use with g++ to link my source to the vtk libraries.
<br><br>I am using VTK 5 in Ubuntu linux. I have tried all day to get anything to work in Windows but have only had failure. <br clear="all">VTK is install in <br>/usr/lib/vtk-5.0<br><br>When I try to use ccmake after running cmake -i on the sample programs it throws a number of different errors including failure to load
CMakeCache.txt from /usr/lib/vtk-5.0/CMakeCache.txt despite my telling it to load the one in the example directory, to not having VTK_USE_RENDERING set. <br><br>I really dislike cmake, so if I could get some help that would be great. Really, I just need a makefile or something. Thank you.
<br><br><br>-- <br>Tim Reynolds<br>-- Self Proclaimed King Of Nerds