<p><tt>medo abdelmonem <abdelmonem76@yahoo.com> wrote on 08/03/2007 08:32:01:<br>
> Hi Everybody,</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> i'm trying to obtain a ruled surface for purpose of probing a <br>
> volume....i have a curve now and i want to get the ruled surface of <br>
> this curve....i found a class called vtkRuledSurface but it Needs 2 <br>
> parallel lines to make a ruled surface by connecting them by <br>
> triangle strip.....</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> the question is....how can i get a ruled surface given a 2D <br>
> curve?....anybody can help about that?....</tt><br>
<tt>> </tt><br>
<tt>> Thanks In Advance</tt><br>
<tt>> Mohamed </tt><br>
<tt>Use vtkTransformFilter to translate the curve and vtkAppendPolyData to put the two curves in one data set?</tt><br>
<tt> regards, Dave P</tt></body></html>